The five simple rules of business etiquette

There has always been an unwritten code of socially acceptable rules and norms throughout the history of human civilization. There are some things you do and others you don’t; Some appropriate and some not appropriate. But these unwritten laws don’t just apply to hospitality or fine dining. It is completely valid in the world of commerce and commerce.

Unlike other industries, in the business world, poor business etiquette can have unpleasant and even financially unviable consequences. For example, failure to observe certain rules of conduct can mislead a customer and jeopardize a vital transaction or contract, resulting in financial loss and damage to credibility. Proper professional etiquette is vital to the healthy functioning of companies, not only with other companies but also within the many departments and levels of a single company. In this article we will look at the importance of business etiquette and identify five key aspects:

  1. Hello handshake: Handshakes are still the “platinum” non-verbal standard of greeting, appreciation, and gratitude. It is almost universally accepted as a natural gesture to introduce or meet someone and also for purposes of approval or thanks. It is considered professional regardless of the position, race, or gender of the person being interacted with.
  2. Politeness policy: We were taught to say “please” and “thank you” as children, and these manners never go away. These along with a sincere smile and eye contact form the foundations, not only of company etiquette but also of social etiquette.
  3. “Meeting” mandate: Meetings are a “stopping point” in the corporate world. The way one behaves in a meeting is of utmost importance to projecting the right image and making the right impression on all the people involved. Arriving on time is considered courteous and respectful of the schedules of everyone involved. During a meeting, it is professional not to interrupt the person speaking, even if you strongly disagree with their point of view. The temptation is to jump in to express our opinions but one must control this impulse to give everyone a fair and continuous opportunity to speak his mind.
  4. Written wisdom: Written communication is perhaps the least likely means of containing code violations, but it is still possible. In a world of texting, tweets, and emojis, a new type of “short hand” has emerged consisting of “deliberate typos,” abbreviations, and smiley faces. This is not acceptable professionally in written formal correspondence. Letters and emails should be checked for spelling, grammar, and typographical errors before they are sent to the recipient.
  5. Taboo topics: Some issues are considered private and thus excluded from discussion in a professional work environment. While some of them may be simply personal, others can be divisive matters and are best left out of the workplace. These may vary slightly between cultures or countries, but in general, the topics of religion, politics, and sexual orientation are best left unopened.

Business etiquette training It is an integral part of crafting a work culture that respects unwritten or unspoken rules of conduct in the workplace and integrating them into the behavior of employees.

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